- Coaching for Peak Performance
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- 6-Session Goal-Focused Leadership Coaching
6-Session Goal-Focused Leadership Coaching
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Coaching has been identified as the way to gain an edge in the workplace, as accelerates growth and maximizes leadership potential. Meet one-on-one with an experienced executive coach for six one-hour virtual coaching sessions. The meetings will focus on the identification of a high-impact goal, the creation of a personal action plan, and coaching for action and impact to help you to achieve that goal. The goal can be a developmental area you identified at work, a challenging situation you would like to overcome with your staff, a personal development goal you identified by completing a Leadership Insights Session, or a more general career goal (such as the desire to obtain a promotion, new position, or chart a new career path).
Sessions take place using video technology or over the phone and can be timed to fit into your busy schedule.
Sessions take place using video technology or over the phone and can be timed to fit into your busy schedule.